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All - Bosses
Name Boss Health Experience Summonable Mana Convinceable Mana Race
Swapper --- 110 60 390 --- Blood
Amazon --- 110 60 390 390 Blood
Valkyrie --- 190 85 450 450 Blood
Carrion Worm --- 145 70 380 --- Blood
Rotworm --- 65 40 0 --- Blood
Rift Worm --- 2,800 1,195 --- --- Blood
Kongra --- 340 110 --- --- Blood
Merlkin --- 235 135 --- --- Blood
Sibang --- 225 100 --- --- Blood
Yeti --- 950 460 --- --- Blood
Crystal Spider --- 1,250 900 --- --- Undead
Giant Spider --- 1,300 900 --- --- Venom
Poison Spider --- 26 22 --- 270 Venom
Sacred Spider --- 550 330 --- --- Venom
Scorpion --- 45 45 --- 310 Venom
Spider --- 20 12 210 210 Venom
Tarantula --- 225 120 485 485 Venom
Wailing Widow --- 850 450 --- --- Venom
Voidling --- 500 550 --- --- Undead
Achad --- 185 70 --- --- Blood
Axeitus Headbanger --- 365 140 --- --- Blood
Bloodpaw --- 100 50 --- --- Blood
Bovinus --- 150 60 --- --- Blood
Colerian The Barbarian --- 265 90 --- --- Blood
Cursed Gladiator --- 435 215 --- --- Undead
Frostfur --- 65 35 --- --- Blood
Orcus the Cruel --- 480 280 --- --- Blood
Rocky --- 390 190 --- --- Undead
The Hairy One --- 325 115 --- --- Blood
Avalanche --- 550 305 --- --- Undead
Drasilla --- 1,260 700 --- --- Blood
Grimgor Guteater --- 1,115 670 --- --- Blood
Kreebosh the Exile --- 705 350 --- --- Blood
Slim --- 1,025 580 --- --- Undead
Spirit of Earth --- 1,200 800 --- --- Undead
Spirit of Fire --- 2,210 950 --- --- Blood
Spirit of Water --- 1,400 850 --- --- Undead
The Dark Dancer --- 805 435 --- --- Blood
The Hag --- 935 510 --- --- Blood
Darakan the Executioner --- 3,480 1,600 --- --- Blood
Deathbringer --- 8,440 5,100 --- --- Undead
Fallen Mooh'tah Master Ghar --- 7,990 4,400 --- --- Blood
Gnorre Chyllson --- 7,150 4,000 --- --- Blood
Norgle Glacierbeard --- 4,280 2,100 --- --- Blood
Svoren the Mad --- 6,310 3,000 --- --- Blood
The Masked Marauder --- 7,320 3,500 --- --- Blood
The Obliverator --- 9,020 6,000 --- --- Fire
The Pit Lord --- 5,270 2,500 --- --- Blood
Webster --- 2,950 1,200 --- --- Undead
Barbarian Bloodwalker --- 305 195 590 --- Blood
Barbarian Brutetamer --- 145 90 --- --- Blood
Barbarian Headsplitter --- 100 85 450 --- Blood
Barbarian Skullhunter --- 135 85 450 --- Blood
Bat --- 30 10 250 250 Blood
Mutated Bat --- 900 615 --- --- Blood
Nightfiend --- 2,700 2,100 --- --- Blood
Vicious Manbat --- 1,700 1,200 --- --- Blood
Bear --- 80 23 300 300 Blood
Panda --- 80 23 300 300 Blood
Polar Bear --- 85 28 315 315 Blood
Bog Raider --- 1,300 800 --- --- Venom
Carniphila --- 255 150 --- --- Venom
Defiler --- 3,650 3,700 --- --- Venom
Haunted Treeling --- 450 310 --- --- Undead
Mechanical Fighter --- 420 255 --- --- Undead
Son of Verminor --- 8,500 5,900 --- --- Venom
Spit Nettle --- 150 20 --- --- Venom
Squidgy Slime --- 150 55 --- --- Venom
Strange Slime --- 15 0 --- --- Venom
Berserker Chicken --- 465 220 --- --- Blood
Chicken --- 15 0 220 220 Blood
Demon Parrot --- 360 225 --- --- Blood
Dire Penguin --- 173 119 --- --- Blood
Flamingo --- 25 0 250 250 Blood
Parrot --- 25 0 250 250 Blood
Penguin --- 33 1 300 300 Blood
Pigeon --- 30 0 --- --- Blood
Seagull --- 25 0 --- 250 Blood
Terror Bird --- 300 150 490 490 Blood
Acid Blob --- 250 250 --- --- Venom
Death Blob --- 320 300 --- --- Undead
Floor Blob --- 1 0 --- --- Venom
Mercury Blob --- 150 180 --- --- Undead
Beholder --- 260 170 --- --- Venom
Braindeath --- 1,225 985 --- --- Undead
Elder Beholder --- 500 280 --- --- Blood
Gazer --- 120 90 --- --- Venom
Eye of the Seven --- 1 0 --- --- Venom
Crystal Wolf --- 750 275 --- --- Undead
Dog --- 20 0 220 220 Blood
Hot Dog --- 505 190 --- --- Blood
Husky --- 140 0 420 420 Blood
Poodle --- 20 0 220 --- Blood
starving wolf --- 85 65 0 0 Blood
Thornfire Wolf --- 600 200 --- --- Energy
War Wolf --- 140 55 0 --- Blood
Werewolf --- 1,955 1,900 --- --- Blood
Wild Dog --- 1,000,000 0 220 --- Blood
Winter Wolf --- 30 20 260 260 Blood
Wolf --- 25 18 255 255 Blood
Gnarlhound --- 198 60 465 465 Blood
Chakoya Toolshaper --- 80 40 --- --- Blood
Chakoya Tribewarden --- 68 40 305 --- Blood
Chakoya Windcaller --- 84 48 305 --- Blood
Jellyfish --- 55 0 --- --- Undead
Blood Crab --- 290 160 --- 505 Undead
Crab --- 55 30 305 305 Blood
Crustacea Gigantica --- 1,600 1,800 --- --- Blood
Ice Golem --- 385 295 --- --- Undead
Dark Torturer --- 7,350 4,650 --- --- Undead
Demon --- 8,200 6,000 --- --- Fire
Undead Demon --- 8,250 8,500 --- --- Venom
Destroyer --- 3,700 2,500 --- --- Undead
Diabolic Imp --- 1,950 2,900 --- --- Fire
Fire Devil --- 200 145 530 530 Blood
Gozzler --- 240 180 --- 800 Undead
Grave Guard --- 720 485 --- --- Undead
Gravedigger --- 1,500 950 --- --- Blood
Hand of Cursed Fate --- 7,500 5,000 --- --- Blood
Hellhound --- 7,500 6,800 --- --- Blood
Hellspawn --- 3,500 2,550 --- --- Fire
Juggernaut --- 20,000 14,000 --- --- Blood
Nightmare Scion --- 1,400 1,350 --- --- Blood
Nightmare --- 2,700 2,150 --- --- Blood
Needler --- 1,500 1,250 --- --- Blood
Plaguesmith --- 8,250 7,300 --- --- Venom
Rift Brood --- 3,000 1,600 --- --- Energy
Rift Scythe --- 3,600 2,000 --- --- Undead
Blue Djinn --- 330 190 --- --- Blood
Efreet --- 550 410 --- --- Blood
Green Djinn --- 330 190 --- --- Blood
Marid --- 550 410 --- --- Blood
Dragon Lord --- 1,900 2,100 --- --- Blood
Dragon Lord Hatchling --- 750 645 --- --- Blood
Dragon --- 1,000 700 --- --- Blood
Dragon Hatchling --- 380 185 --- --- Blood
Elder Wyrm --- 2,700 2,500 --- --- Blood
Frost Dragon --- 1,800 2,100 --- --- Undead
Frost Dragon Hatchling --- 800 745 --- --- Undead
Undead Dragon --- 8,350 7,200 --- --- Undead
Wyrm --- 1,825 1,550 --- --- Blood
Ghastly Dragon --- 7,800 4,600 --- --- Undead
Dwarf Geomancer --- 380 265 --- --- Blood
Dwarf Guard --- 245 165 650 650 Blood
Dwarf Miner --- 120 60 420 --- Blood
Dwarf Soldier --- 135 70 360 360 Blood
Dwarf --- 90 45 320 320 Blood
Dworc Fleshhunter --- 85 40 --- --- Blood
Dworc Venomsniper --- 80 35 --- --- Blood
Dworc Voodoomaster --- 80 55 --- --- Blood
Essence of Darkness --- 1,000 30 --- --- Undead
Grynch Clan Goblin --- 80 4 --- --- Blood
Hacker --- 430 45 0 --- Blood
Herald of Gloom --- 350 450 --- --- Undead
Midnight Spawn --- 1,000 900 --- --- Undead
Primitive --- 200 45 --- --- Blood
Shadow Hound --- 555 600 --- --- Blood
Spectral Scum --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Undead Minion --- 850 550 620 --- Undead
Elf --- 100 42 320 --- Blood
Elf Arcanist --- 220 175 --- --- Blood
Elf Scout --- 160 75 360 360 Blood
Charged Energy Elemental --- 500 450 --- --- Undead
Energy Elemental --- 500 550 --- --- Energy
Massive Energy Elemental --- 1,100 950 --- --- Energy
Overcharged Energy Element --- 1,700 1,300 --- --- Undead
Earth Overlord --- 4,000 2,800 --- --- Undead
Energy Overlord --- 4,000 2,800 --- --- Undead
Fire Overlord --- 4,000 2,800 --- --- Fire
Ice Overlord --- 4,000 2,800 --- --- Undead
Cat --- 20 0 220 220 Blood
Lion --- 80 30 320 320 Blood
Tiger --- 75 40 420 420 Blood
Fish --- 25 0 --- --- Undead
Manta Ray --- 680 125 --- --- Blood
Northern Pike --- 95 0 --- --- Undead
Azure Frog --- 60 20 305 --- Blood
Bog Frog --- 25 0 --- --- Blood
Infernal Frog --- 655 190 --- --- Blood
Coral Frog --- 60 20 --- 305 Blood
Crimson Frog --- 60 20 --- 305 Blood
Deathspawn --- 225 20 --- --- Blood
Filth Toad --- 185 90 --- --- Blood
Green Frog --- 25 0 250 250 Blood
Orchid Frog --- 60 20 305 --- Blood
Toad --- 135 60 --- 400 Blood
Rat --- 20 5 200 200 Blood
Cave Rat --- 30 10 250 250 Blood
Rabbit --- 15 0 220 220 Blood
Silver Rabbit --- 15 0 220 220 Blood
Squirrel --- 20 0 220 220 Blood
Killer Rabbit --- 205 160 --- --- Blood
Clay Guardian --- 625 400 --- --- Undead
Damaged Worker Golem --- 260 95 --- --- Energy
Earth Elemental --- 650 450 --- --- Undead
Eternal Guardian --- 2,500 1,800 --- --- Undead
Gargoyle --- 250 150 --- --- Undead
Jagged Earth Elemental --- 1,500 1,300 --- --- Undead
Massive Earth Elemental --- 1,330 950 --- --- Undead
Medusa --- 4,500 4,050 --- --- Blood
Muddy Earth Elemental --- 650 450 --- --- Undead
Stone Golem --- 270 160 590 590 Undead
War Golem --- 4,300 2,750 --- --- Energy
Worker Golem --- 1,470 1,250 --- --- Energy
Ghost --- 150 120 --- --- Undead
Phantasm --- 65 0 --- --- Undead
Souleater --- 1,100 1,300 --- --- Undead
Spectre --- 1,350 2,100 --- --- Undead
Tarnished Spirit --- 150 120 --- --- Undead
Tormented Ghost --- 210 5 --- --- Undead
White Shade --- 260 120 --- --- Undead
Wisp --- 115 0 --- --- Undead
Behemoth --- 4,000 2,500 --- --- Blood
Cyclops --- 260 150 490 490 Blood
Cyclops Drone --- 325 200 525 --- Blood
Cyclops Smith --- 435 255 695 --- Blood
Frost Giant --- 270 150 490 --- Blood
Frost Giantess --- 275 150 490 --- Blood
Goblin --- 50 25 290 290 Blood
Goblin Assassin --- 75 52 360 360 Blood
Goblin Leader --- 50 75 290 --- Blood
Goblin Scavenger --- 60 37 310 310 Blood
Massive Water Elemental --- 1,250 1,100 --- --- Undead
Roaring Water Elemental --- 1,750 1,300 --- --- Undead
Slick Water Elemental --- 550 450 --- --- Undead
Water Elemental --- 550 650 --- --- Undead
Ancient Scarab --- 1,000 720 --- --- Venom
Butterfly --- 2 0 --- --- Venom
Brimstone Bug --- 1,300 900 --- --- Venom
Bug --- 29 18 250 250 Venom
Cockroach --- 1 0 --- --- Venom
Insect Swarm --- 50 40 0 --- Undead
Insectoid Scout --- 230 150 --- --- Venom
Ladybug --- 255 70 --- --- Venom
Lancer Beetle --- 400 275 0 --- Venom
Larva --- 70 44 --- 355 Venom
Lesser Swarmer --- 230 0 --- --- Venom
Parasite --- 550 0 355 355 Venom
Sandcrawler --- 30 20 250 250 Venom
Scarab --- 320 120 --- 395 Venom
Swarmer Hatchling --- 5 0 --- --- Blood
Terramite --- 365 160 505 505 Venom
Wasp --- 35 24 --- 280 Venom
Lizard High Guard --- 1,800 1,450 --- --- Blood
Draken Abomination --- 6,250 3,800 --- --- Venom
Draken Elite --- 5,550 4,200 --- --- Blood
Draken Spellweaver --- 5,000 3,100 --- --- Blood
Draken Warmaster --- 4,150 2,400 --- --- Blood
Lizard Chosen --- 3,050 2,200 --- --- Blood
Lizard Dragon Priest --- 1,450 1,320 --- --- Blood
Lizard Legionnaire --- 1,400 1,100 --- --- Blood
Lizard Magistratus --- 8,000 2,000 --- --- Blood
Lizard Noble --- 7,000 2,000 --- --- Blood
Lizard Sentinel --- 265 105 560 --- Blood
Lizard Snakecharmer --- 325 210 --- --- Blood
Lizard Templar --- 410 145 --- --- Blood
Lizard Zaogun --- 2,955 1,700 --- --- Blood
Wyvern --- 795 515 --- --- Blood
Minotaur Archer --- 100 65 390 390 Blood
Minotaur Guard --- 185 160 550 550 Blood
Minotaur Mage --- 155 150 --- --- Blood
Minotaur --- 100 50 330 330 Blood
Badger --- 23 5 200 200 Blood
Ghoulish Hyaena --- 400 195 275 275 Blood
Hyaena --- 60 20 275 275 Blood
Skunk --- 20 3 200 200 Blood
Water Buffalo --- 390 20 --- --- Blood
Donkey --- 45 0 0 --- Blood
Modified Gnarlhound --- 1,500 0 --- --- Blood
Crocodile --- 105 40 350 350 Blood
Hydra --- 2,350 2,100 --- --- Blood
Killer Caiman --- 1,500 900 --- --- Blood
Thornback Tortoise --- 300 150 490 --- Blood
Tortoise --- 185 90 445 --- Blood
Calamary --- 75 0 --- --- Undead
Slug --- 255 70 --- --- Venom
The Halloween Hare --- 1 0 --- --- Blood
Dark Monk --- 190 145 480 --- Blood
Monk --- 240 200 --- 600 Blood
Training Dummy --- 3,840 0 --- --- Blood
Mutated Human --- 240 150 --- --- Blood
Mutated Rat --- 550 450 --- --- Blood
Mutated Tiger --- 1,100 750 --- --- Blood
Centipede --- 70 30 --- 335 Venom
Necromancer --- 580 580 --- --- Blood
Blood Priest --- 820 900 --- --- Blood
Necromancer Servant --- 600 590 390 --- Blood
Priestess --- 390 420 --- --- Blood
Furious Orc Berserker --- 15 0 220 220 Blood
Orc Berserker --- 210 195 590 590 Blood
Orc Leader --- 450 270 640 640 Blood
Orc Rider --- 180 110 490 --- Blood
Orc Shaman --- 115 110 --- --- Blood
Orc Spearman --- 105 38 310 310 Blood
Orc Warlord --- 950 670 --- --- Blood
Orc Warrior --- 125 50 360 360 Blood
Orc --- 70 25 300 300 Blood
Orc Marauder --- 235 205 0 --- Blood
Adventurer --- 65 0 0 --- Blood
Angry Adventurer --- 65 50 0 --- Blood
Assassin --- 175 105 450 --- Blood
Bandit --- 245 65 450 450 Blood
Black Knight --- 1,800 1,600 --- --- Blood
Crazed Beggar --- 100 35 300 300 Blood
Gang Member --- 295 70 420 --- Blood
Gladiator --- 185 90 470 --- Blood
Grave Robber --- 165 65 355 --- Blood
Hero --- 1,400 1,200 --- --- Blood
Hunter --- 150 150 530 --- Blood
Nomad --- 160 60 420 420 Blood
Poacher --- 90 70 530 --- Blood
Smuggler --- 130 48 390 390 Blood
Stalker --- 120 90 --- --- Blood
Wild Warrior --- 135 60 420 420 Blood
Crypt Defiler --- 180 70 0 --- Blood
Vicious Squire --- 1,000 900 --- --- Blood
Renegade Knight --- 1,450 1,200 --- --- Blood
Vile Grandmaster --- 1,700 1,500 --- --- Blood
Ashmunrah --- 5,000 3,100 --- --- Undead
Dipthrah --- 4,200 2,900 --- --- Undead
Mahrdis --- 3,900 3,050 --- --- Undead
Morguthis --- 4,800 3,000 --- --- Undead
Omruc --- 4,300 2,950 --- --- Undead
Rahemos --- 3,700 3,100 --- --- Undead
Thalas --- 4,100 2,950 --- --- Undead
Vashresamun --- 4,000 2,950 --- --- Undead
Pirate Buccaneer --- 425 250 595 --- Blood
Pirate Corsair --- 675 350 775 --- Blood
Pirate Cutthroat --- 325 175 495 --- Blood
Pirate Ghost --- 275 250 --- --- Undead
Pirate Marauder --- 210 125 490 --- Blood
Pirate Skeleton --- 190 85 --- --- Undead
Blazing Fire Elemental --- 650 450 --- --- Fire
Blistering Fire Elemental --- 1,500 1,300 --- --- Fire
Fire Elemental --- 280 220 --- 690 Fire
Hellfire Fighter --- 3,800 3,900 --- --- Fire
Infected Weeper --- 6,800 4,800 --- --- Fire
Quara Constrictor --- 450 250 670 --- Blood
Quara Constrictor Scout --- 450 200 --- --- Blood
Quara Hydromancer --- 1,100 800 --- --- Blood
Quara Hydromancer Scout --- 1,100 800 --- --- Undead
Quara Mantassin --- 800 400 480 --- Blood
Quara Mantassin Scout --- 220 100 480 --- Blood
Quara Pincher --- 1,800 1,200 --- --- Blood
Quara Pincher Scout --- 775 600 --- --- Blood
Quara Predator --- 2,200 1,600 --- --- Blood
Quara Predator Scout --- 890 400 --- --- Blood
Cobra --- 65 30 --- 275 Blood
Sea Serpent --- 1,950 2,300 --- --- Blood
Serpent Spawn --- 3,000 3,050 --- --- Blood
Snake --- 15 10 --- 205 Blood
Young Sea Serpent --- 1,050 1,000 --- --- Blood
Mimic --- 30 0 --- --- Blood
Betrayed Wraith --- 4,200 3,500 --- --- Undead
Bonebeast --- 515 580 --- --- Undead
Demon Skeleton --- 400 240 620 620 Undead
Dreadbeast --- 800 250 800 --- Undead
Honour Guard --- 85 55 0 --- Undead
Lost Soul --- 5,800 4,000 --- --- Undead
Party Skeleton --- 40 0 --- --- Undead
Skeleton --- 50 35 300 300 Undead
Skeleton Warrior --- 65 45 350 350 Undead
Undead Gladiator --- 1,000 800 --- --- Undead
Undead Mine Worker --- 65 45 0 --- Undead
Dark Apprentice --- 225 100 --- --- Blood
Dark Magician --- 325 185 --- --- Blood
Fury --- 4,100 4,500 --- --- Blood
Ice Witch --- 650 580 --- --- Blood
Incredibly Old Witch --- 1 0 --- --- Blood
Infernalist --- 3,650 4,000 --- --- Blood
Mad Scientist --- 325 205 --- --- Blood
Warlock --- 3,500 4,000 --- --- Blood
Shadowy Apparition --- 3,500 4,000 --- --- Blood
Witch --- 300 120 --- --- Blood
Yalahari --- 150 5 --- --- Blood
Easy Bot --- 300 0 --- --- Blood
Medium Bot --- 300 0 --- --- Blood
Hard Bot --- 300 0 --- --- Blood
Deathslicer --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Flamethrower --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Hive Pore --- 1 0 --- --- Venom
Lavahole --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Magic Pillar --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Magicthrower --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Plaguethrower --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Shredderthrower --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Frost Troll --- 55 23 300 300 Blood
Furious Troll --- 245 185 --- --- Blood
Island Troll --- 50 20 290 290 Blood
Swamp Troll --- 55 25 --- 320 Blood
Troll --- 50 20 290 290 Blood
Troll Guard --- 60 25 --- --- Blood
Troll Legionnaire --- 210 140 --- --- Blood
Young Troll --- 30 12 --- --- Blood
Banshee --- 1,000 900 --- --- Undead
Blightwalker --- 8,900 5,850 --- --- Undead
Crypt Shambler --- 330 195 580 --- Undead
Death Priest --- 800 750 --- --- Undead
Elder Mummy --- 850 560 --- --- Undead
Ghoul --- 100 85 450 450 Blood
Grim Reaper --- 3,900 5,500 --- --- Undead
Lich --- 880 900 --- --- Undead
Mummy --- 240 150 --- --- Undead
Zombie --- 500 280 --- --- Undead
Undead Prospector --- 100 85 440 --- Blood
Tomb Servant --- 475 215 --- --- Undead
Black Sheep --- 20 0 250 --- Blood
Deer --- 25 0 260 260 Blood
Doom Deer --- 405 200 --- --- Blood
Elephant --- 320 160 500 500 Blood
Evil Sheep Lord --- 400 340 --- --- Blood
Evil Sheep --- 350 240 --- --- Blood
Horse --- 75 0 --- --- Blood
Fire Horse --- 75 0 260 260 Blood
Mad Sheep --- 1 0 --- --- Blood
Mammoth --- 320 160 500 --- Blood
Mushroom Sniffer --- 250 0 --- --- Blood
Pig --- 25 0 255 255 Blood
Sheep --- 20 0 250 250 Blood
Terrified Elephant --- 320 160 500 --- Blood
Vampire Pig --- 305 165 --- --- Blood
Vampire --- 450 305 --- --- Undead
Vampire Bride --- 1,200 1,050 --- --- Blood
Vampire Viscount --- 1,200 800 --- --- Blood
Enlightened of the Cult --- 700 500 --- --- Blood
Acolyte of the Cult --- 390 300 --- --- Blood
Adept of the Cult --- 430 400 --- --- Blood
Novice of the Cult --- 285 100 --- --- Blood
Cult Enforcer --- 285 100 --- --- Blood
Wild Fire Magic --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Fury Magic --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Nature Magic --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Water Magic --- 1 0 --- --- Undead
Apocalypse --- 80,000 35,000 --- --- Fire
A Humble Adventurer --- 150 1,000 0 --- Blood
Apprentice Sheng --- 95 150 --- --- Blood
Arachir The Ancient One --- 1,600 1,800 --- --- Undead
Armenius --- 550 500 --- --- Venom
Azerus --- 26,000 6,000 --- --- Blood
Barbaria --- 345 355 --- --- Blood
Baron Brute --- 5,025 3,000 --- --- Blood
Battlemaster Zunzu --- 4,000 2,500 --- --- Blood
Bazir --- 110,000 30,000 --- --- Fire
Big Boss Trolliver --- 150 105 0 --- Blood
The Big Bad One --- 300 170 --- --- Blood
Bones --- 9,500 3,750 --- --- Undead
Boogey --- 930 475 --- --- Undead
Brutus Bloodbeard --- 1,555 795 --- --- Blood
Chizzoron The Distorter --- 16,000 4,000 --- --- Blood
Captain Jones --- 555 620 --- --- Undead
Coldheart --- 7,000 3,500 --- --- Undead
Countess Sorrow --- 6,500 13,000 --- --- Undead
Deadeye Devious --- 1,450 750 --- --- Blood
Deathbine --- 525 340 --- --- Venom
Demodras --- 4,500 6,000 --- --- Blood
Balinor --- 6,600 25,000 --- --- Blood
Arkai --- 6,500 6,000 --- --- Blood
Dummy Knight --- 11,000 1,200 --- --- Blood
Zzzrak --- 28,000 9,800 --- --- Blood
Dharalion --- 380 570 --- --- Blood
Dirtbeard --- 630 375 --- --- Blood
Diseased Bill --- 1,000 300 --- --- Venom
Diseased Dan --- 800 300 --- --- Venom
Diseased Fred --- 1,700 1,000 --- --- Venom
Doomhowl --- 8,500 3,750 --- --- Blood
Dracola --- 16,200 11,000 --- --- Undead
Dreadwing --- 8,500 3,750 --- --- Blood
energized raging mage --- 3,500 0 --- --- Blood
Esmeralda --- 800 600 --- --- Blood
Evil Mastermind --- 1,295 675 --- --- Undead
Fatality --- 6,000 3,250 --- --- Blood
Fernfang --- 400 600 --- --- Blood
Ferumbras --- 50,000 12,000 --- --- Venom
Fleshslicer --- 5,700 5,500 --- --- Blood
Fleshcrawler --- 1,450 1,000 --- --- Venom
Fluffy --- 4,500 3,550 --- --- Blood
Foreman Kneebiter --- 570 445 --- --- Blood
Freegoiz --- 80,000 35,000 --- --- Fire
Fury of the Emperor --- 28,800 26,600 --- --- Undead
General Murius --- 550 300 --- --- Blood
Ghazbaran --- 60,000 15,000 --- --- Fire
Glitterscale --- 1,000 700 --- --- Blood
Grand Mother Foulscale --- 1,850 1,400 --- --- Blood
Groam --- 400 180 --- --- Blood
Grorlam --- 3,000 2,400 --- --- Undead
Hairman The Huge --- 600 335 --- --- Blood
Haunter --- 8,500 4,000 --- --- Blood
Hellgorak --- 25,850 10,000 --- --- Blood
Heoni --- 900 515 --- --- Blood
Hide --- 500 240 --- --- Venom
Horestis --- 6,000 3,500 --- --- Undead
Incineron --- 7,000 3,500 --- --- Fire
Infernatil --- 270,000 85,000 --- --- Fire
Inky --- 600 250 --- --- Blood
Koshei The Deathless --- 3,000 0 --- --- Undead
Kraknaknork's Demon --- 120 0 --- --- Fire
Kraknaknork --- 80 300 220 --- Blood
Lethal Lissy --- 1,450 500 --- --- Blood
Leviathan --- 6,000 5,000 --- --- Blood
Lizard Abomination --- 20,000 1,350 --- --- Blood
Lord of the Elements --- 8,000 8,000 --- --- Undead
Awaken Mage --- 17,000 18,000 --- --- Blood
Mad Technomancer --- 1,800 55 --- --- Blood
Man in the Cave --- 485 777 --- --- Blood
Massacre --- 32,000 20,000 --- --- Blood
Menace --- 6,000 3,250 --- --- Blood
Mephiles --- 415 415 --- --- Blood
Minishabaal --- 3,500 4,000 --- --- Blood
Monstor --- 960 575 --- --- Blood
Morgaroth --- 55,000 15,000 --- --- Undead
Granak --- 55,000 15,000 --- --- Undead
Morik the Gladiator --- 1,235 160 0 --- Blood
Mr. Punish --- 22,000 9,000 --- --- Undead
Munster --- 58 35 250 --- Blood
Necropharus --- 750 1,050 --- --- Blood
Orshabaal --- 22,500 10,000 --- --- Fire
Gaz'haragoth --- 350,000 1,000,000 --- --- Undead
Pythius The Rotten --- 9,500 7,000 --- --- Undead
raging mage --- 3,500 3,250 --- --- Blood
Rocko --- 10,000 3,400 --- --- Blood
Rukor Zad --- 380 380 --- --- Blood
Ron the Ripper --- 1,500 500 --- --- Blood
Rottie the Rotworm --- 65 40 --- --- Blood
Rotworm Queen --- 105 75 --- --- Blood
Scorn of the Emperor --- 7,800 4,600 --- --- Undead
Shardhead --- 800 650 --- --- Undead
Sharptooth --- 2,500 1,600 --- --- Blood
Sir Valorcrest --- 1,600 1,800 --- --- Undead
Snake God Essence --- 20,000 1,350 --- --- Blood
Snake Thing --- 20,000 4,600 --- --- Venom
Spider Queen --- 10,000 120 --- --- Venom
Spite of the Emperor --- 8,000 5,600 --- --- Undead
Splasher --- 1,000 500 480 --- Blood
Stonecracker --- 6,500 3,500 --- --- Blood
Terofar --- 15 0 220 --- Blood
The Abomination --- 38,050 25,000 --- --- Venom
The Axeorcist --- 5,000 3,000 --- --- Blood
The Blightfather --- 400 600 --- --- Venom
The Bloodtusk --- 600 300 --- --- Blood
The Bloodweb --- 1,750 1,450 --- --- Undead
The Collector --- 340 100 --- --- Undead
The Count --- 1,250 450 --- --- Undead
The Dreadorian --- 9,000 4,000 --- --- Blood
The Evil Eye --- 1,200 750 --- --- Blood
The Frog Prince --- 55 1 250 --- Venom
The Handmaiden --- 19,500 7,500 --- --- Blood
The Horned Fox --- 265 200 --- --- Blood
The Many --- 5,000 4,000 --- --- Blood
The Noxious Spawn --- 9,500 6,000 --- --- Venom
The Old Widow --- 3,550 4,200 --- --- Venom
The Pale Count --- 50,000 28,000 --- --- Blood
The Plasmother --- 7,500 12,000 --- --- Venom
The Snapper --- 300 150 --- --- Blood
Thul --- 2,950 2,700 --- --- Blood
Tiquandas Revenge --- 1,800 2,635 --- --- Venom
Tirecz --- 25,000 6,000 --- --- Blood
Tremorak --- 10,000 1,300 --- --- Undead
Ungreez --- 8,200 500 --- --- Blood
Verminor --- 80,000 35,000 --- --- Fire
Versperoth --- 100,000 20,000 --- --- Blood
Warlord Ruzad --- 2,500 1,700 --- --- Blood
Wrath of the Emperor --- 55,000 600 --- --- Undead
Xenia --- 200 255 450 --- Blood
Yaga The Crone --- 620 375 --- --- Blood
Yakchal --- 5,750 4,400 --- --- Blood
Zavarash --- 35,000 21,000 0 --- Blood
Zevelon Duskbringer --- 1,400 1,800 --- --- Undead
Zomba --- 300 300 --- --- Blood
Zoralurk --- 55,000 30,000 --- --- Undead
Zarabustor --- 5,100 8,000 --- --- Blood
Zulazza the Corruptor --- 28,000 9,800 --- --- Blood
Goblin King --- 500 500 --- --- Blood
Master Troll --- 75 40 340 340 Blood
Elder Minotaur --- 1,000 300 --- --- Blood
The Widowmaker --- 2,400 4,000 --- --- Venom

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